Our Partners

Cancer Awareness

The San Francisco Cancer Initiative (SF CAN)

The San Francisco Cancer Initiative (SF CAN) is a collaborative effort to reduce cancer in San Francisco by engaging health care systems, government, community groups, and residents. SF CAN’s success relies on the power of collective impact, or tackling an intractable problem like cancer through collaboration by public and private partners.

Learn more at sfcancer.org

The Wisdom Study

The WISDOM Study (Women Informed to Screen Depending on Measures of risk) is working to revolutionize breast cancer detection by testing a novel, personalized approach to breast screening based on each woman’s individual risk (genetics, lifestyle, health history, breast density), compared to annual mammograms- the standard of care, based on 30-year-old data. Through advances in medicine over these years we’ve learned that breast cancer isn’t just one disease, and women’s risk for developing these diseases varies. When it comes to breast screening, one size may not fit all. That’s why WISDOM is using the best tools in modern medicine and gathering evidence to determine the best, safest way to screen all women for breast cancer. A way that identifies the most aggressive cancers, and reduces false alarms, unnecessary procedures and the stresses that come with these experiences.

Learn more at thewisdomstudy.org

Helen Diller Comprehensive Cancer Center: Art for Recovery

Helen Diller Comprehensive Cancer Center: Art For Recovery helps cancer patients express themselves through art.  In 2009, Hilary Newsom created the event In Our Shoes, showcasing shoes transformed into objects d’art, that are then auctioned off along with other packaged items.

Learn more at cancer.ucsf.edu

Stanford Supportive Care Center (SSCC)

Stanford Supportive Care Center (SSCC) provides work that is of great importance to The PlumpJack Family. The Cancer Survivorship Program sponsored by the SSCC recognizes the life-changing role this disease plays in the lives of all touched by it, even survivors. In honor of Tessa Newsom, whose oncologist, Dr. Ernest Rosenbaum, founded the program, PlumpJack came together with leaders in the wine community to create Tessa's Cuvee, available at PlumpJack stores.

Breast & Ovarian Cancer Emergency Fund (BOCEF)

The Breast & Ovarian Cancer Emergency Fund provides quick and compassionate financial assistance to breast cancer patients with limited financial resources, as well as those with no (or inadequate) access to health insurance. PlumpJack supports the BOCEF through its participation in This Old Bag: Power of the Purse. Hilary Newsom has co-chaired the event the last 10 years, which auctions celebrity-owned handbags for the fight against breast cancer.

Learn more at bayareacancer.org

Childhood Education
& Development

Tipping Point Community

Tipping Point Community is a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization founded in 2005 that focuses on combating poverty in the Bay Area by providing grants and support to local initiatives in education, housing, employment, and family wellness. In 2017, Tipping Point committed $100 million to reduce chronic homelessness in San Francisco by half within five years. This initiative aimed to create housing, improve public systems like criminal justice and child welfare, and secure additional state and federal funding. 

SF LGBTQ Center | Youth Services

They put LGBTQ youth 16-24 and younger on a path to connection and stability. Our purpose is to build a strong queer youth community through education, creative and performing arts, fabulous community events and 30+ hours of youth drop-in services weekly.

Learn more at sfcenter.org

The Representation Project

Through film, education, and activism, The Representation Project awakens consciousness, spotlights the cost of these stereotypes, and invites everyone to build a more equitable future. Together, they are bending the long arc of history toward intersectional gender justice. This is a person-by-person and community movement.

Learn more at therepresentationproject.org

The Holy Family Day Home

Holy Family Day Home (HFDH) is the oldest childcare center of its kind in San Francisco providing early-education child care to the children of working families. Through a combination of philanthropy and employee-driven volunteer programs, the PlumpJack Family supports HFDH throughout the year: supplying the Kindergarten class with backpacks filled with school supplies; providing Thanksgiving lunch; and mounting holiday giving trees at PlumpJack properties to purchase warm children’s clothes and gifts during the holidays.

Learn more at holyfamilydayhome.org

The Hidden Genius Project

The Hidden Genius Project was founded in 2012 by five Black male entrepreneurs/technologists who were unnerved by the dramatic juxtaposition between the high unemployment of black male youth and the plethora of career opportunities within the local technology sector. To address this challenge, the founders established a program to connect young Black males with the skills, mentors, and experiences that they need to become high-performing entrepreneurs and technologists in a 21st century, global economy.

Learn more at hiddengeniusproject.org